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Viva: BoM Skirt (Level 2 & 3)

Bakes on Mesh Skirt

Included with the Level 2 and 3 version is a Bakes on Mesh Skirt. The mesh skirt is found in the Modular System subfolder. Since Bakes on Mesh was the original way in which clothing was created in Second Life, you'll find hundreds of skirts available - free and otherwise. Among them you'll find many attractive Skirt Modeledpossibilities for your wardrobe.

Let's try a sample skirt. How about something with a taste of India? As a sample we'll wear the skirt to the right. It's free and found in the "Library" folder of your inventory. First, we need to get your body prepared . . .

If you have the Level 2 (Lite) version, wear your BoM Body.

If you have the Level 3 version, turn on BoM by clicking the Bakes on Mesh tab and clicking the "On" button. (In Level 3 if your body turns invisible, make sure your the Alpha Primary have been taken off.)

Next, in the Modular System subfolder, right click on "Skirt (Bakes on Mesh Enabled)" and select "Wear." When you wear it, the skirt will appear gray. That's because no textures are being worn yet.

Bollywood SkirtLook in the "Library" folder of your inventory. Go to "Clothing." Then "Older Outfits." Then "Female Bollywood Outfit."

Run down the list and find "Female Bollywood Sari Skirt" and right click and "Wear." Also wear the "Sari Top."

As you wear the skirt and top, you'll see the textures pop into place and your avatar will appear as shown above. The skirt and top combination is really quite nice.

You don't necessarily have to wear the mesh skirt. In fact, try detaching "Skirt (Bakes on Mesh Enabled)" and watch what happens. The mesh skirt is removed but Second Life's internal BoM skirt kicks in. You'll notice a slight difference in the outward form between the mesh skirt and the internal skirt. Depending on its use, you may pick one over the other. What's nice is that you have a choice.

When you want to completely remove Second Life's internal skirt, you need to go to your inventory and "Take Off" the Bollywood Sari Skirt.

Since the two skirts - mesh and internal - are similar, you might ask why have the mesh skirt? One advantage is that the mesh skirt is modifiable and can accepted normal and specular maps. It's also not locked into one shape. You or a creator can work in a 3D program and change the shape and style of a mesh skirt for different clothing purposes. There are additional advantages for Level 3 users. The mesh skirt can be worn on a traditional mesh body (BoM not turned on) which allows it to be used along with the Tattoo and Underwear Layers. Moreover, in the Level 3 version, the color and shininess of the skirt can be conveniently controlled from the Master HUD.



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